Government’s TikTok Ban: A Symptom of a Disconnected Democracy

The bipartisan move to ban TikTok reflects a growing disconnect between the government and the electorate. Political priorities favor corporate interests over the majority’s needs, revealing a systemic betrayal. This pattern extends to economic crises and pandemic response, demonstrating a disregard for human lives.

Strengthening Canada’s Defense: A Comprehensive Strategy for Modernizing the Canadian Armed Forces

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) face challenges in air defense, artillery, armored forces, and anti-tank capabilities. The absence of a dedicated ground-based air defense system and self-propelled artillery, coupled with outdated armored forces, creates vulnerabilities. The proposal advocates for comprehensive strategies, including introducing new air defense and artillery capabilities, diversifying armored forces, and modernizing the air force with advanced capabilities to enhance Canada’s defense. Additionally, it calls for prioritizing defense modernization initiatives to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the Canadian Armed Forces.